Apr 15, 2016: As per a media note, Palakkad Division of Southern Railway on April 13, Wednesday was the ’Hero’ when DRM, Divisional Railway Manager Anand Prakash received the “Overall Efficiency” shield from the zone’s GM Vashishta Johri at Chennai during the Zonal Railway Week celebrations.
The division was adjudged the best performing division among the six divisions of Southern Railway based on the performance during 2015-16. Thiruvananthapuram Division shared the runner-up shield with Chennai Division. Palakkad Division won the same shield in 2013.
In addition to the “Overall Efficiency” shield, Palakkad Division bagged efficiency shields for the departments of Accounts, Safety and Rajbhasha. The division also won the Inter Divisional Cleanliness Shield. The Railway Health Unit, Mangaluru, was assessed as the best health unit in Southern Railway. The performance of the division was evaluated based on the achievements in key performance areas such as loading, originating passenger traffic, passenger amenities, earnings, punctuality, performance efficiency index, safety, asset reliability, efficiency in wagon utilisation, specific contribution to capacity planning, manpower planning, economy, passenger amenities planning and innovations, said a release.
Response time in finalisation of complaints, efficiency in tenders finalisation and relations with public representatives, citizen groups and trade unions too were considered for the efficiency shield. DRM Anand Prakash, who congratulated the entire staff of the division, said that the team work of the staff and the synergy of different branches of the division are the factors which led to its success. He expressed the hope that the achievement will motivate the division to excel in public service.