June 09, 2018: Created under ’Bhavani Films’ banner, the first graphics movie in Tulu cinema “Umil” is expected soon.
After completing is animation work in Canada, “Umil” has come to Mangaluru. The final compositing is taking place here. This movie which has become attractive due to its graphics has achieved the look similar to Bollywood. Hence, “Umil” has incurred a cost of approximately more than 1 crore rupees. This movie id directed by Ranjit Suvarna and has been produced by Karunakar Shetty, Prajgnesh Shetty and Prajwal Shetty. Pavan Karkera is the cinemautographer, music is by Ravi Basruru and screenplay is by Harish Kottadi.
Umesh Mijar will be acting for the first time in this movie, Pooja Shetty is the actresss, and the cast also includes Naveen D.Padil, Arvind Bolar, Bhojaraj Vamanjoor, Satish Bandale, Sitaram Kattel, Deepak Rai Panaje, Chetan Rai, Prakash Tumenad, Ranjan Boluru and many other actors.