Mangaluru: After directing Chandi Kori, Barsa, Are Marler tulu movies, Devdas Kapikad is awaiting release for his fourth directed movie titled “Year Uller”. The movie completed its shooting at a fast pace and is expected to get its dubbing done soon. The main cast of the movie includes Arjun Kapkad, Anoop Sagar, Rashmika Chengappa and Aradhya Shetty. Director Devdas Kapikad too will act in his movie.
The specialty of this movie is that 80% of this movie is in comedy mood and Kapikad can be seen the entire 80% of the movie. He is accompanied by Sai Krishna. The role played by Kapikad is that of a person from Karavali who owns more than enough land and how he behaves with his flatterers. Since Kapikad acts in most part of the movie, a new form of expectation has been created in Coastalwood.
“Yaer Uller” movie cinematography is done by ‘Karne’ movie famed Sudhakar. The horro story will give a new look to this movie.