Mangaluru, Sep 13, 2016: Speaking to media, it is told that Tulu film ’Dombarata’, produced by Brahmavar Movies, will be released on September 15. Film director Ranjith Suvarna said the film has been made at a cost of Rs 60 lakh. In Udupi, the film release will be delayed for one week as the producers do not want to take risk with the ongoing screening of Sudeep-starrer Kannada film ’Kotigobba 2’.
Director Suvarna said 1,000 artists have danced for the music for the first time in the history of Tulu film industry.Renowned heroes of Kannada film industry, Upendra and Srimurali, have sung Tulu songs for the movie. The film will also be released in neighbouring states and other countries too, he said.