Mangaluru: The Ramakrishna Mission’s Swacch Mangaluru for Swacch Bharath - a cleanliness drive on seventh consecutive Sunday continued at Pandeshwara Railway Crossing in Mangaluru. Around 120 undergraduate students from Government First Grade College, Car Street and Narayana Guru Degree College, with devotees took part in the cleaning effort which went on for at least three hours seriously.
The team of volunteers cleaned up the dumping yard near Pandeshwara Railway gate and levelled off the ground using an excavator. Barricades were erected along the road near the Railway line for speedy and convenient traffic movement during peak hours. ’Swacch Bharath’ Awareness message pamphlets were distributed among the public. The 40 week campaign was flagged off by Member of the Legislative Council Capt Ganesh Karnik, Swami Jitakamanandaji of Ramakrishna Mutt, Mangaluru and others were present. Indeed such efforts help the city and citizens.