Udupi : Speaking to media, Udayakumar Shetty, President of the Trust, said that artists such as Baburao Nadoni from Belagavi, Jayaram Chavan from Yadagiri, Ramesh Chavan from Vijayapura, Basavaraj Jane and L.N. Manokar from Kalaburgi, Usha from Bengaluru, Hanumant B. Harsur from Tumkur, Kandan G., N.S. Pattar, Permude Mohan Rao and Vikram Shetty from Mangaluru, K.L. Bhat and Shekhar Kala Pratibha from Udupi will take part and display their works at the event. To encourage budding artists, an art competition in four categories will be organised from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. on March 6.
The Kidiyoor Udayakumar Shetty Family Trust and Kidiyoor School of Arts will jointly organise a State-level art camp at Lions Bhavan, Brahmagiri, here on March 5 and 6.
Students from Class 1 to 4 can opt to draw and paint on any subject of their choice.
The topic for students from Class 5 to 7 will be “A fair of a town”; for students from Classes 8 to 10 it will be “national leaders”; and for the general public, it is “District Offices Complex in Manipal or Parliament House or Vidhan Soudha”.