Mangalore, June 21: The Urwa Police have arrested Bhajarangdal leader Sharan Pumpwell for illegally entering into Urwa Marigudi temple land. The arrests were made on Monday, June 21.
Urwa police said that Sharan Pumpwell, along with other activists of Bhajarangadal have been arrested for entering forcibly into the disputed land, while holding a protest at the Urwa Marigudi temple.
The entry was restricted on the land belonged to temple authority. Police further added that the temple authority had sold a portion of land to a certain Hoovayya. Later, Hoovayya had acquired additional land and installed a deity of Naga. He had also established a Nagabana for performing pooja by his family. After some year, Hoovayya had sold 45cents of land. But after the deal, temple authorities have alleged that he had acquired 15 cents of land illegally.
On Monday morning Sharan Pumpwel and Bhajarangadal activists have entered into the disputed land and raised question against the removal of Naga Stone. They have also compelled the temple authorities to get back the Naga stone from Kudupu temple.