Mangalore, February 27: A public consultation was conducted to discuss the Coastal Regulatory Zone (CRZ) at Fisheries College in Yekkur, Mangalore, on Feb 27, Saturday.
Several participants were of the opinion that industries must be prevented from releasing effluents into the Arabian or the River Nethravathi.
One of the participants mentioned that oil cakes had appeared along the coastline ever since MRPL began its operations. This is affecting not only marine life, but also the life of the fishermen who depend upon marine life for their living. He demanded the immediate banning of MRPL, adding that the Coastal Regulatory Zone must not permit any industries.
Another participant pointed out that 30 percent of the CRZ population comprised fishermen, adding that the government must provide them basic facilities such as repair of houses. Quoting some regulations in the CRZ, he demanded to know how 12 people could be expected to live in a 100sq ft area. He also suggested that a representation for fishermen should be present while re-drafting the plan.
Another speaker demanded the strengthening and strict implementation of the CRZ Act of 1991. He demanded that the CRZ headquarters must be shifted to Mangalore from Bangalore. He said that fishermen must be consulted before any major decision related to the CRZ is taken.
Those interested can send their suggestions on CRZ by March 5 to Environment Education Centre, South Zone Division, Kamala Mansion, 143 Infantry Road (Mahaveer Road), Bangalore – 560001.