Udupi, Dec 06, 2018: The police have filed a case against pro-Hindu outfit leader for allegedly making a hate speech at the Janagraha Sabhe organised by Vishwa Hindu Parishat in Udupi on December 2.
VHP leader Manjunath Swami is accused of insulting people who follow Islam faith. In his speech, he had said that Islam is not a religion at all, that Quran is not a religious book and that Islam provokes terrorism.
Social Worker Ansar Ahmed had filed a complaint against Manjunath Swami at Udupi town police station on Wednesday.
Ansar, in a complaint, stated that Manjunath had hurt the sentiments of Muslims. He produced a copy of a CD containing the speech by Manjunath to the police to investigate the matter.
A case is registered under Section 295A of IPC.