Mangalore, May 24: On Sunday, Chief Minister B. S. Yeddyurappa said that a government will constitute a technical committee to study the safety issues at Mangalore International Airport. He was addressing journalists before attending a religious programme at Ganapathi Sachadananda Ashram in Mysore.
Mr. Yeddyurappa said that the crash at Mangalore Airport, which killed 158 people, calls for an urgent review of safety standards followed at airports. He announced that the state government will perform a microscopic investigation into the Mangalore crash to find out the causes of the tragedy, following which it will write to the civil aviation ministry to conduct an elaborate probe.
The CM also said that the Mangalore crash will not delay the construction of airports in other parts of Karnataka. Announcing that all developmental projects will continue as per schedule, he said that all required precautions against tragedies will be taken. The CM also said that more land will be acquired to construct extended runways following all safety norms.