Mangalore, January 12: DK Special police force (Forest mobile squad) had seized small Indian Civet (Punugu Bekku) valued worth as per the forest department Rs one lakh found in a private property in Falnir, Mangalore on Tuesday, January 12.
The Civet was found in the A E Joshua’s Compound in Falnir on January 12, Tuesday. The animal was captured under the guidance of C R Krishnamurthy, inspector, Forest Department. A S I Naveenchandra Jogi and staffs were involved in the operation. Later the cat was handed over to the forest department.
It is a small animal with entire length of 3 ft. of which tail size is 1 ft. This animal weighs from 6-8 lb. The general colour varies from brownish or olive grey to light grey. There are longitudinal dark stripes & rows of spots along the body, a stripe down each side of the neck & frequently one across the throat, its tail is ringed with grey & brown. The small Indian civet is a shy animal & almost entirely nocturnal in habit. It takes shelter in holes in the ground, under rocks or thick bushes. This animal can easily climb the vertical trees. The major food of this animal is rats, lizards, small birds, insects , fruits & it is very much fond of the berries. The small civet is found in Indian peninsula from Sind, the Punjab and foothills of Himalayas, in south to Ceylon & eastwards to Burma.