Mangaluru: According to reports, at least 20 schools in Dakshina Kannada are expected to get approval of Education Department to officially switch over to English medium of instruction, from Class I to V. The government has decided to change the language of instruction as per the order of the State High Court. The department would give first prominence to the schools which were permitted to run schools in Kannada from 1994-95, and later approach the court seeking either conversion of medium or for permission to run classes in English.
Till date 21 proposals have been sent from the Block Education Officers and two are yet to send, said a senior official. A circular from Commission of Public Instructions says that the Deputy Directors of Public Instruction of each district have been appointed as the nodal officers and they are asked to submit a report on the number of schools before April 30.
A three-member committee at district-level visited the schools in 2007; however, the department has directed to crosscheck committee reports. Many schools have questioned the government’s notification dated November 11, 2014, inviting applications to Kannada medium schools, filed writ petition in the court and sought permission to start English medium school from Class one to five this year.
The official said that as per information available, Associated Managements of English Medium School in Karnataka (KAMS) with its member schools approached the court, but no school from the district has approached the court individually. We have neither received any information from BEOs or direction from the High Court.