Mangalore, Oct 14, 2012: A differently abled young woman allegedly set herself on fire in her house at Pakaladka in Bajal on Oct 14, Sunday. The deceased is Vidya Gatty (24), daughter of Sanjiv and Saraswathi Gatty of Bajal.
Initially, everybody believed that her death was an accident as she suffered burns when the stove on which she was boiling water for bath burst. Later, on the way to hospital, Vidya confessed that she had tried to end her life.
Though differently abled, Vidya could handle all the household chores on her own. Her mother was out when the stove burst and she was all alone at home with her aged father.
Vidya used to take bath in the evenings, but on Sunday, she went to the bathroom to boil water for her bath in the morning. When she began screaming, the neighbors broke open the door. A seriously injured Vidhya initially refused to be taken to hospital, but later, on the way to hospital, she admitted that she had tried to commit suicide. Vidya breathed her last in the hospital.
The Kankanady police have registered a case.