Mangalore, Jan 9: Nagesh Kumar, the district secretary of Saumdaya, an amateur theatre forum of Karnataka, died of cardiac arrest on Jan 9, Saturday. He was 49 years of age.
Kumar was also a prominent leader of leftist organizations. Kumar was a founder member of the Democratic Youth Federation of India (DYFI). He had devoted himself for the growth of the communist movement. He was the leader of many protests organized by the DYFI against the oppression of the poor and the anti-people policies of the government. He was also the regional secretary of the Life Insurance Corporation Workers’ Union.
Kumar has been associated with Samudaya for around 30 years. Under his leadership, Samudaya organized a number of street players and cultural jathas in a bid to enhance public awareness on a number of current issues.
On the evening of Jan 8, Friday, Kumar was admitted to a private hospital. He died on the following day. His body was brought to his house in Kuttar, close to Ullal, for the final rites. Kumar has left behind 2 children. He has also left a will in which he has donated his eyes to whoever requires them.