Mangaluru, Mar 13, 2015 : Narrating his shocking experience to media a Malpe photographer said he opened the package secinds after recieving it from a Flipkart delivery agent and got the shock of his life on March 12. He had ordered a high end camera but only found a stone in the box.
Sharath Kumar, the photographer stated that he had ordered ’Canon EOS 60D DSLR’ camera worth Rs 50,990 from Flipkart online shopping site on Feb 28. He received the package on March 12. He said that the amount is already debited from his account. He was fortunate that several people were witness to the matter and he immediately took it up with Flipkart. Who accepted a glich in the logidstics, mischief by some unknown element/s and arranged to refund the payment he made and/or sort out the matter. Such stray incidents are reported and due caution is needed but it is not a major fraud by organisations it is reported.