Mangalore, Mar 1: Former MP Vinay Kumar Sorake inaugurated the V and G Industrial Testing Laboratories Association at Baikampady Industrial Area on Saturday. This association is the first of its kind in coastal Karnataka, comprising qualitative testing facilities required for various industries. The associated has received the ISO 9001:2000 gradation. Mr. Sorake lauded the efforts of Vittal M Poojary, the founder of the association and business partner, and Girish Babu, the founder manager.
The chief guest of the occasion was former MLA Sunil Kumar. He was full of praise for the association, which provides machinery and civil and technical facilities and strives to prevent pollution in the industrial area. Jayaraj Pai, the president of the Baikampady Canara Small Scale Industries, and P P Upadyaya, the group general manager of MRPL, were also the chief guests. Pyaskel Petrilli of the Italy Teknimat Association was the guest of honor.
Shrinivas S Kamath, the president of Canara Chambers, wished the association well and encouraged it to provide guidance to industries on issues of quality and security.
The introductory speech was given by Girish Babu, the founder, manager, and partner of the association. He said that the association would provide training to 52 large industries.