Mangalore, Sep 1, 2014: As per latest available reports, Akshata (16), a first PUC student, daughter of Umesh and Kamalakshi, on August 31 evening hanged herself in a room at their residence in Kelrai, Neermarga. Akshata’s father Umesh is an employee in the forest mobile squad and her mother is assistant sub-inspector (ASI) in Kadri police station. The body was handed over to the family after postmortem.
According to knowledgeable sources, Akshata’s father, mother and brother were out of the house, and the girl was asleep. On returning home the father and brother found her hanging inside a room. Speculations are that there was some misunderstanding about a mobile earlier in the day and the girl was also depressed due to death of a close person and so on. A case has been duly filed at the rural police station at Kadri.