Mangaluru, May 04, 2019: Prasad Poojary (23), a notorious thief was apprehended by police and stolen goods worth Rs 1.87 lakh has been seized from him. The police conducted a successful operation. The notorious thief who allegedly gained access and carried out thefts in the night at Advaith JCB and United Toyota showrooms at Padil within Kankanady Police Station Limits.
Poojary already has several cases of attempted murder, robbery and thefts booked against him at various police stations including Moodbidri, Venur and Srirangapattana Rural Police station in Mandya district. He is also accused of carrying out thefts at railway quarters within Kankanady police station limits, at shops within Mangaluru north police station limits, Yedapadavu panchayat office and at Chowta’s gas agency in Bantwal rural police station limits.
Along with the arrest of the accused, the police also recovered items stolen by the thief of total value of Rs1,87,000 including three laptops, four tabs, three mobiles, two gold bangles, cash locker, one camera, tools including lever, torch, mask and an iron rod.