Mangaluru, July 30, 2016: Mangaluru City Police commissioner M Chandra Sekhar has ordered the arrest of two accused under the Goonda Act. The accused are Kabeer alias Kabeer Kandavara, resident of Kaikamba, Mangaluru, and Raja, 21, alias ’Japan Manga’ of Devinagar, Kunjathbail.
Kabeer has four heinous cases of murder, and attempt to murder pending against him in various police stations. He has been arrested and sent to Mysuru Central prison, Police Commissioner Chandra Sekhar said.
Raja was in news for the recent near murderous attempt on Subash Padil, main accused in the home stay attack on the district and sessions court premises before alert policemen overpowered and nabbed him. He too is wanted in cases of murder, attempt to murder, extortion and assault.