Mangalore, May 29: The body of four-year-old Mohammed Zubair Ziad, a victim of the Saturday’s crash, appears to have been mistaken to be that of an adult and taken away by some other bereaved family owing to the confusion that prevailed immediately after the crash. Of the 12 bodies that remained unclaimed on Wednesday, 10 were of men, one of a woman and one of a girl child.
However, there was no boy among the unclaimed bodies, implying that Mohammed Zubair’s body might have been wrongly taken away by some other family.Mohammed Ziad, his wife Sameena Abdul Karim, and their children Zainab Mohammed Ziad (3) and Mohammed Zubair Ziad (4) were among the crash victims. Mohammed Ziad’s relatives were able to identify only Sameena’s body. On Wednesday, following the identification of 10 bodies through DNA tests, they were able to claim Mohammed Ziad’s body and perform the last rites. But, uncertainty still remained over the bodies of the two children.
Senior police officials conceded that it was not possible to verify every single detail while handing them over to the claimants.