Mangaluru, Nov 23, 2017: Police Superintendent Dr Sanjeev Patil told media on Nov 22, Wednesday that Karkala police seized 30 indigenous country-made bombs and arrested Nagesh Nayak for manufacturing them. The SP said that Nayak mentioned that he was in possession of the bombs to safeguard himself from wild animal menace.
Nayak was allegedly involved in manufacturing the indigenous country-made bombs. The police have arrested him and seized 30 bombs from his possession. He hails from Hebri and based on information provided by him, police have also arrested Gunaker Shetty from Albadi in Karkala.
Nayak said he had purchased the bombs from Gunaker Shetty. Police have also arrested Lakshman Shetty from Madamakki for assisting Nayak. The police also have information about where the accused purchased the raw materials and also the process of manufacturing. Police said Nayak purchased 30 bombs after paying Rs 15,000.