Puttur, Mar 29, 2016: It is reported that the Kerala police allegedly attached to Adoor Police station crossed over to Karnataka border and created disturbances in a wine shop at Galimukha. On March 27, Sunday afternoon, the police men came over to Sahaj Wines and demanded for ’hafta’.
When the workers said they had to discuss the matter with their owner, enraged cops demanded for documents and the staff said they would get the owner, then the cops resorted to beating up the employees mercilessly. While two employees were taken into custody, one has been admitted to Puttur hospital for treatment.
Wine shop Manager Yashwanth (30) said that Adoor Sub Inspector and two others came to him and spoke in Malayalam. “I cannot understand Malayalam, I called another employee named Shashidhar. The cops were demanding for money and when Shashidhar refused, they demanded for documents,” said Yashwanth.
On denying both money and documents, the police resorted to attacking the employees. While Shashidhar and another employee named Manjunath were caught, Yashwanth escaped. The attack has been captured in the CCTV camera outside the wine shop.