Kundapur, May 20: Lightening struck a man in Navunda on Tuesday night killing him on the spot. The incident has also left 7 other people injured. Reportedly, 8 people employed in a boat were asleep in a hut by the sea shore when the lightening struck them.
The deceased is Rama Kharvi (28). The injured are Gopala Kharvi (25), Hithesh Kharvi (16), Shankar Kharvi (28), Girish Kharvi (24), Shekar Kharvi (26), Vishwanath (17), and Prakash Kharvi (22).
Siddapur witnessed heavy rainfall on Wednesday. The storm disrupted telephone and electricity services. A huge tree fell across Balebare Ghat road and traffic was blocked for a long time on Tuesday.
A house belonging to Prema Suvarna in Nirmude in Karkala was also damaged by lightening. Other houses in Karkala were also damaged by the powerful winds. DK also witnessed heavy rainfall accompanied by wind, lightening, and thunder. Power supply was disrupted in several parts of the district till the morning of Wednesday. A jackfruit tree fell on a rickshaw in Baithurli damaging it completely.