Mangaluru, Sep 16, 2016: Addressing media, area director, SOB Special Olympics Bharat, Karnataka, has organised a state-level athletics championship for the specially abled at Mangala Stadium on September 17 saturday. Area director Vasanth Kumar Shetty said that about 500 specially abled athletes from different parts of the state are expected to take part in the meet, starting from Saturday. Minister for Youth Empowerment and Sports Pramod Madhwaraj will be inaugurating the meet, which coincides with seventh global Eunice Kennedy Shriver Day. Mayor K Harinath will light the torch and DK DC Dr K G Jagadeesha will be the guest of honour."
The state-level meet will serve as the selection trials for the national championship scheduled to be held at Jaipur, Rajasthan, in October. The state unit of SOB is planning to select 24 athletes - 14 men and 10 women - for the national meet, Shetty said.
While there is no cap on the number of sports persons to be sent by the schools and organisations in Dakshina Kannada and Udupi districts, the other districts can send a maximum of eight sportspersons for the state meet. The events will be conducted in the categories of high functioning and low functioning. The high functioning includes - 100 metres, 200 metres, 400 metres and 1,500 metres, 4x100 and 4x400 relay, shotput, high jump and long jump. The low functioning includes - 25 metres run and walk, softball and tennis ball throw. And a few disciplines for wheelchair-bound sportspersons.
Ireland meet : Area director Shetty said, those, selected at the national sports meet in Jaipur, will be trained at national coaching camps for the World Summer Sports meet in Ireland during 2019. The special olympics is open only for mentally challenged and for those with autism, crebral palsy and multiple disorders.