Mangalore, March 15: The Forest Mobile Squad has arrested Balakrishna Gowda of Sullia, who was allegedly possessing two tusks weighing 6.5 kgs, at Paichar in Sullia taluk on Saturday.
Balakrishna Gowda (46), of Guthigar in Sullia taluk, was about to sell these tusks, when he was caught by the police said Naveenchandra Jogi, FMS PSI. But cost of seized tusks will be revealed only after scrutinizing by the forest department officials, he added.
He said that, Forest Mobile Squad has started a search operation for Dayanand, Krishna, Vasudev and Shashi, who were absconded after Gowda’s arrest. The culprits, engaged in illegal activitieas, are residents of Guthigar.