Mangaluru: As per reliable news reports, Lokayukta police arrested one person for demanding a bribe in connection with getting a free seat under the RTE - Right to Education at Kambadakone village near Kundapur on April 7. Mohan Kottari, inspector in Lokayukta Police in a statement to some media persons informs that one Gangadhar Mogaveera’s child got a free seat under the RTE at Sandipini School at Nagur.
He however needed signature of Nityananda Acharya, a cluster resource person working at the Block Resource Office at Kambadakone village. Acharya allegedly demanded a bribe of Rs. 10,000 and settled for Rs. 8,000.
The Lokayukta police trapped Acharya allegedly receiving the bribe at Kambadakone Junction and arrested him. A case has been registered and due process will follow.