Mangaluru, May 20, 2015: Officials from the office of the Child Development Programme Officer along with personnel from Childline on May 19, Tuesday rescued two children from a house in Shaktinagar, it was found that their parents were not in a position to move. Shrinivas (38), the father of the two children, who had been treated for an aliment two days ago fell unconscious.
Their mother Mallika (32) was not in a position to help as she had been bed ridden for the last three days. Childline personnel and also the 108 ambulance were called in to shift Shrinivas and his wife Mallika to the Government Wenlock Hospital.
According to Gulabi R, in-charge Child Development Programme Officer (Mangaluru Urban), they received a call from a social activist in the area about the helpless state of six-year-old Manish, his younger brother Samant (4), and their grand mother. The two boys were produced before the Child Welfare Committee, which sent them to the government-run centre for children.