P. Sripati Tantri, convener of the samiti, also said Shobha Karandlaje, MP, had visited the spot a couple of days ago and assured that she would try her best to get an underpass sanctioned. But she had also said that since the widening (four-laning) work of NH 66 was nearing completion at Ambalpady, it was difficult to get it reversed.
Prof. Tantri said that an underpass was sanctioned at Ambalpady Junction as per the original widening plan of NH 66. But it was changed due to the intervention of K. Jayaprakash Hegde, the then MP, who wrote to the then Union Minister for Road Transport and National Highways Oscar Fernandes on February 14, 2012, and sought a foot over-bridge instead of an underpass. “We want an underpass as per the original plan,” he said.
B.R. Shetty, Abu Dhabi-based businessman and former vice-president of Udupi Town Municipal Council, and Sugunendra Tirtha Swami of Puttige Mutt, will participate in the protest to be held at 4 p.m. at the Ambalpady Junction on today.
A message from Vishwesha Tirtha Swami of Paryaya Pejawar Mutt seeking the underpass will be aired. The Pejawar seer will not be participating in the protest as tradition bars a Paryaya seer from leaving the precincts of the Car Street till the end of his Paryaya period, Prof. Tantri said.