Mangaluru, Jan 29, 2015: On the eve of Railway Minister Suresh Prabhu’s programme in Bengaluru on Thursday, FKCCI Managing Committee Member Prakash Mangoth has urged the Minister to fulfil the long-pending demand of Karnataka—either create a separate Railway Division at Mangaluru or bring Mangaluru region under the Mysore Division of South Western Railway .
In a memorandum to the Minister, Mr. Mandoth said Mangaluru has been the second important city of Karnataka. Despite the demand to create a separate division, the region continues to be under Southern Railway.
Since Mangaluru is the meeting point of three Railway dispensations—Southern, South Western and Konkan, the region did not get the attention it actually deserved, he pointed out.
Overall development of the railway network in coastal Karnataka could be possible only by bringing it under SWR as Konkan Railway is due for amalgamation with the Indian Railways very soon, he argued.
Courtesy: The hindu