Mangaluru, June 17, 2015: Senior Superintendent of Post Offices M Jagadish Pai said that Mangaluru postal division has achieved second position in Karnataka in the implementation of Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana (SSY), which is exclusively for the welfare of girl children. After Bengaluru South, Mangaluru stands second by opening 18,390 accounts and collecting Rs 6,51,13,600 as deposit till date. The response is overwhelming to the scheme which has been introduced for the security of girl children.
Till May end, 7,20,162 SSY accounts have been opened across Karnataka and a deposit of Rs 174,18, 64, 200 crore has been collected. After Tamil Nadu, Karnataka is in second place in the implementation of the scheme which offers 9.2 per cent interest per annum.
On introducing core banking solutions through ATM, Assistant Superintendent Joseph Rodrigues said within two-three months ATMs would be introduced in Pandeshwar and Kulashekar. They will be the first ATMs in Dakshina Kannada district. Now, cards have been issued to the department staff for internal testing. The installation of ATMs and core banking software will be done by Infosys. At present, there are around 70 ATMs in the state. The core system integration is being done by Tata Consultancy Services (TCS). It has been started in Mysuru and will be rolled out in India. The rural Internet and Communication Technology (ICT) depends on biometric. Deposit and withdrawal is automatic, so that there will be less manual work and the process is faster. Solar power would be provided to rural post offices.
At present, around 25,000 post offices are integrated and all 1.55 lakh post offices of the country will be integrated at the earliest, he said.
WorldNet Express (WNX), world’s largest postal service established jointly by India Post and German postal service company Deutsche Post, has spread 220 countries in the world, more than the speed post, which covers 96 countries.
Speed delivery is the major strength of this facility and it is available in eight post offices of Mangaluru including Hampanakatta, Kankanady, Pandeshwar, Balmatta, Deralakatte, Srinivasnagar, Kodialbail and Mangalore University Post offices. Around 100 parcels are being sent through WNX at Balmatta post office every month.
The cash on delivery (COD) service of department has become popular. Major electronic commerce companies like Amazon, Snap deal, Home Shop, Naaptol are using the service.
The monthly income scheme has been proved useful for ex-employees. Postal Life Insurance (PLI) and Rural Postal Life Insurance (RPLI) have covered many areas. They have good bonus and low premium, he said.
District Women and Child Development Department Deputy Director Gertrude Vegas was happy about the public response to Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana and promised of more efforts to popularise the scheme.
Brochures on Sukanya Samriddhi Account scheme using anganwadi workers, helpers and Sthree Shakthi workers have been distributed. The intention of the department was to reach poor and needy people. The brochures are available is post offices and anganwadis so that public can know about the scheme and avail the benefit of it.