Mangaluru, April 10, 2015: The Campus Front of India has demanded the closure of the Mangalore One School at Tokkottu in connection with the recent alleged sexual assault on an LKG girl by the school van driver. The organisation even staged a protest in support of its demand on April 10, Friday in front of the school.
The incident was reported on March 13 and the accused driver Madhukar Shetty was arrested soon after the incident came to light.
Addressing the protestors, Ashik Machar, CFI District Committee Member warned that the organisation would resort to severe protest if the school was not closed by June 1. He also charged the school of trying to hush up the case. The CFI even said that it would shut down the school forcibly if it was not closed down.
Irshad Bajpe, District President of Campus Front of India. Irshad Bajpe, Fayaz and other office bearers and members were present.