Mangalore, April 7: Arvind Limbavali, the minister for higher education, informed journalists on Tuesday that the state government is considering the possibilities of implementing a common admission law for professional courses and the introduction of a common fee structure for all such courses in Karnataka.
After the 28th convocation of Mangalore University, the minister interacted with press people and said that he wanted to eliminate the entrance tests conducted by the state government as well as COMED-K (Consortium of Medical Engineering Dental Colleges Karnataka); however, this could not be done. He assured that the government will make attempts to introduce a common entrance test for professional courses next year.
The minister informed that, if the union government fails to implement any laws regarding this issue, the state government will examine various possibilities of implementing a law. The details regarding common fee structure will have to be discussed, he said.
Citing the example of Madhya Pradesh, the minister said that Madhya Pradesh had a law that permitted a common entrance test for all professional courses. The state had also devised a common fee structure. The government of Karnataka will also study possibilities of implementing such as law, added the minister.
The minister also said that the department was currently involved in studying the recommendations of the N. R. Shetty Committee on amendments to the Karnataka State Universities Act 2000. The report will be sent first to the Law Department and later to the State Cabinet before finally being placed before the Assembly.