Nov 16, 2017; The lure of winning a Rs 4 crore BMW car proved costly for a 20-year-old student as he ended up paying Rs 1.43 lakh to callers who demanded for the money on the pretext of obtaining clearances.
Police told media that the student had mortgaged jewellery to arrange the money, as he was convinced that he was soon going to own a swanky car. According to the complaint filed with the cybercrime police, the youth received the first call on October 31. The caller - the first accused - who introduced himself as Frank Douglas, told the youth that he had won the vehicle and he had to pay Rs 24,500. The youth then deposited Rs 15,000 to the account of Lalremruot - the second accused. The callers, who were convinced that the student could be conned, kept asking him for money, under the pretext of demanding customs fee and cost of transfer, among other reasons.
The youth transferred Rs 15,000 to the account of the second accused on November 1; Rs 24,000 to the account of third accused Sandeep Kumar on November 3; Rs 30,000 to another account on November 4; Rs 20,000 to the account of the fourth accused Neha Kumari on November 6; and Rs 10,000 to fifth accused Surender Sinsh on November 7. All in all, the youth ended up transferring Rs 1,43,500 to the callers. It was only when he stopped getting calls did he realize that he was being duped.
Police said though the department has been repeatedly issuing warnings not to fall for spam calls, it has hardly had any effect.