Mangalore, Feb 17, 2014 : Thieves who broke into the house of an engineer located behind the Vidyadayinee School at Suratkal have decamped with valuables worth nearly Rs 5 lakhs. The theft came to light on February 17, Monday morning when the house owner’s wife who was away, returned.The house belonged to Abdul Khader Kukkady who works as an engineer in the US.
The thieves who entered the house after breaking the window grills using an exo blade, had stolen valuables including a diamond bangle, golden bangles, foreign watches apart from a cash of Rs 25,000.
Khader’s wife Ramzina Khader was away at her parental home to see her mother who was ill. Though Ahmed Majeed, a distant relative who also worked as a watchman was present, he was reportedly unaware of the theft until Ramzina returned on Monday morning.
The entire house was found ransacked. Luckily the thieves had not laid their hands on jewellery kept in some secret locations.
Suratkal police have visited the spot and are investigating. Finger print experts and a dog squad too has been pressed into service.