Mangaluru : Police said that a 19-year-old student from Neerumarga was kidnapped by his four friends in an autorickshaw to Sultan Battery on February 14. The boy was forced to strip off his clothes and stand in his bare undergarments. One among the accused then hit him with a cane. The accused, who are four in number, left the place after robbing the student of his cash. These four made a video of the student in his undergarments and threatened him that they would release the video on the social media if he approached the police.
On February 15, the boy and his parents approached the Urwa police and lodged a complaint as the accused released the video on the social media. The complaint was referred to the Mangaluru Rural Police who have now arrested Joel and Vikky Bappal in this connection. They are on the look-out for the two others involved in the incident and are investigating to collect evidence.