Mangalore, March 13: “Kadala Thadiya Mane,” an anthology of short stories authored by Dr Sabeeha Bhumi Gowda was released at a programme organized at Dr. K Shivarama Karanth Auditorium of University College on March 13, Saturday.
Renowned Kannada author Vaidehi released the book and said that the writer has unleashed her finest thoughts through her short stories. Lauding Dr. Sabeeha’s work, Vaidehi said that the book is laden with thoughts and feelings rich enough to be incorporated into a novel.
Prof Vivek Rai said in his presidential speech that sincere and genuine writing is a very challenging task.
Dr. Sabitha Bannadi spoke about the new book; Dr. Sathyanarayana made the welcome speech; and Dr. N Damodara Shetty delivered the vote of thanks.
Basavaraj Solibavi, the publisher of the book, was also present on the occasion.