Mangalore, April 24: The Mangalore police have launched a manhunt for an unidentified bike rider, who rides his bike along the streets of the city with his companions, making a lot of noise and creating a public nuisance.
DC V Ponnuraj was the first person to be disturbed by this noise and he brought it to the attention of the police. During a meeting, he said that he first heard the noise when he was asleep at his residence in Balmatta, adding that it disturbed him a lot.
The mysterious biker rides noisily along empty streets at unearthly hours. Sometimes, he even performs stunts such as riding the bike on one wheel, going at high speeds, and so on. Sometimes 3 people ride pillion with him. The police are looking for the mystery rider for wrecking peace and creating noise pollution. The sound of his bike and the yells of his friends are very disturbing to the people.
The police are still searching for the noisy rider. However, the hooligan seems to be aware that the police are looking out for him because he has not repeated his performance.