Mangalore, June 17: Superintendent Engineer Maninarayanan said that the Karnataka Urban Infrastructure Development and Finance Corporation (KUIDFC) will complete the sewage network construction by December. The last phase of this project includes the construction of sewage-treatment plants (STPs) at Suratkal and Jeppinamogaru. STPs have already been constructed at Pachchanady and Kavoor. The Asian Development Bank has provided the funds for this project, he said.
The SE was addressing a review meeting convened by Mayor Rajani Dugganna on Tuesday. He further said that the MCC can start using the sewage network on a trial basis by March 2011. He also advised the civic body to entrust the STP at Kavoor and the five connecting wells to the Mangalore Special Economic Zone Ltd. (MSEZL) as soon as possible. Mentioning that the defect liability for the Kavoor STP was over, he said that pump installed at the Kavoor STP was expensive and that the MCC will find it difficult to bear the maintenance expenses.
Mr. Maninarayanan also spoke about the legal battle being fought by the KUIDFC against two contractors who had backed out without completing the work of laying the sewage network. The KUIDFC is trying to recover the advance payments made to them and has claimed damages worth Rs 32.32 crore on behalf of the MCC.