Mangalore, June 21: A police team led by Panambur Deputy Superintendent of Police Girish arrested two people on grounds of illegally storing diesel at Panambur on Monday, June 21.
About 300 litres of diesel was found stored in the bathroom at the house of Shodhan, one of the arrested. The Deputy Superintendent of Police said that Shodhan (26) and Kishore (25) were illegally siphoning off diesel from the tanker transporting petroleum products from the Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) to the KSRTC depot at Puttur. The accused would take the tanker to Shodhan’s house at Munchur, where they would store the stolen diesel in containers.
Shodhan’s house is half a kilometer from the residence of Mayor Rajani Dugganna. A Kannada TV news channel falsely aired news that the police had raided the mayor’s house and arrested her son.
Bajrang Dal activists assault TV news reporter
Sukesh the reporter of the said Kannada TV news channel, accompanied by a cameraman, was visiting the Suratkal police station, when members of the Bajrang Dal assaulted them. The two have sustained minor injuries.
Earlier in the morning of June 21, Pumpwell was arrested for trespassing into the disputed property of Urwa Marigudi Temple. The Urwa police said that Pumpwell’s arrest was only “preventive” and that he was released shortly after the police took down his address and signature as per Section 71 of the Karnataka Police Act.