Mangalore, jan 10, 2013 : The elderly woman named Gangamma who was in the news on January 8, Tuesday, after she approached the Deputy Commissioner seeking shelter, has been admitted to the Abhayashrama at Asaigoli in Konaje. The woman had stated that she was a widow and homeless and had left her relative’s place at Bangalore not wanting to be a burden on them.
By the way the staff of the Abhayashrama of Konaje say the woman was in the Ashram for a couple of months in the year 2009.
They also recollect that she was then adamant and wanted to have her way and finally had decided to quit. Later, she was allowed to leave after bringing her case to the notice of the authorities. Ashram staff also recall that the woman had then revealed that her hometown was Halady in Kundapur; that she had nine children and that all of them had passed away.
However, this time she is stating she was from Puttur and has no children. Even this time, at the Ashram Gangamma refused to have dinner on Tuesday night and breakfast the next morning when invited. Later, she had lunch on her own in the afternoon.
The Ashram staff say the woman who was mentally sound, however wanted to attract the attention of everyone around her.