mangalore today

MCC raids Kudroli slaughter house

Mangalore Today News Network

Mangalore, Feb 4: After receiving a complaint regarding unclean and animal slaughter without license, the MCC officials conducted a raid at Kudroli slaughter house on Monday morning at 5am.


kudroli slaughter house

kudroli slaughter house


kudroli slaughter house

It is said in the rules that the slaughter house and closer sheds, which belongs to MCC, has the facility to slaughter the animal. But now the persons working in the slaughter house were not following the rules. So the officials of MCC framed a plan to raid.

Even though, the official tried to hush up the planned raid, the slaughters received the message of raid before they arrived. The slaughters acted quickly to clean the place before MCC officials present. After the raid, the relevant document has been asked by the MCC officials with the persons involved in the slaughter.