Mangaluru, June 15, 2015 : Vishwas Trust for the Elderly along with other like minded organisations is set to observe ’Elder Abuse Day’ on June 16 2015, at 4.30 pm at Ladies Club, Light House Hill Mangalore – 575001.
A Special session and discussion on elder abuse will be the main focus of the programme. The Agenda is as follows:
President: Dr. L.N. Bhat – Registrar, School of Social Work, Roshni NIlaya
1. Why UNO has declared a World Elder Abuse Day. Dr. Olinda Pereira Author and Director of Vishwas Trust
2. Presenting the subject of Elder Abuse - Lidwin Lobo, Co ordinator, Senior Citizen Helpline, Vishwas Trust
3. Summarising the Presentation – Prof. Phyllis Maria D’Costa
4. President opens the subject for discussion – Dr.L.N. Bhat
5. Concluding words by the President
6. Thanks - Deepthi, Social Worker, Elders Helpline Mangaluru.