mangalore today

Data entry operators at Sub-Registrars office protest

Mangalore Today News Network

Udupi:   Talking to media July 14,  one among five contract employees said that undue work pressure and ill treatment by higher officials has made the working atmosphere in the office a misery.  Data entry operators working on contract basis at Sub-Registrar office staged a protest by blocking the data entry for half-an-hour claiming gross mistreatment from  the Sub-Registrar.

It is stated initially all the five data operators were assigned with five computers each and recently two out of five computers were blocked. The measure taken by the Sub-Registrar ended with heavy work load. He added ’each one of us was asked to enter 30 documents per day’. Susquestly two women were relieved of their jobs.

The protest was accompanied by slogans and public support was visible for contractual employees. Meanwhile, Sub-Registrar told that she has not harassed the employees as she only followed the instructions she was issued by the District Registrar (DR) and Inspector General of registrar (IGR), Bengaluru offices. She added that she had recommended the higher officials against the transfer of these five employees.

The two computers were blocked by IGR central office and the instruction to work on 30 data entries were issued by DR. IGR had taken action against all the offices across Karnataka.

The data operators were  cautioned to speed up their work or else they would face problems. The Registrar does not have control over them, and are deputed by HCL Company. The DR had  instructed the diary maintenance of these employees which caused dissatisfaction over the work, they were asked to produce their work details next week. The DR had also given time of one week following the server problem. It was denied that two data operators were removed from the office. In fact they were made to work using the password of the two posts in DR office, which had fallen vacant.

Responding to another allegation asserting that the token system is misused and the people with influence are allowed facility, she added that the work is carried out as per the registration of the token. There is no  influence people can use. Everyday 60 tokens are issued to get the work done. However, another five token would be given as extra, if at all the genuine token holders fail to turn up.  Some complaints were aired.