Mangaluru, May 11, 2016: ‘Ishtakamya’, a Kannada film directed by Nagathihalli Chandrashekhar, will be released on May 13 across the state and overseas. Addressing media at during the audio and trailer launch of the film at Canara College, Nagathihalli said the film is based on the Kannada novel ‘Ishtakamya’ by Dodderi Venkatagiri Rao. The novel has been adapted for the big screen with some modifications in the screenplay to cater to the youthful audiences.
The film will be released in 100 screens, including multiplexes in India and also in the US, the UK and Paris. The film has English subtitles. It will have French subtitles in Paris, he noted. He said the film explains social relationships though it is a love story. Various angles of family life have been depicted with reference to marriage as an institution, he observed.
He said the film is shot in various locations of Chikkamagaluru, Kodagu, Shivamogga and other Malnad areas. The rare and unseen exotic locations of Western Ghats and Malnad area such as Nagara Shivappanayaka Fort are featured in the film. Several scenes in the film have been shot at Rashtrakavi Kuvempu’s residence, Kavishaila. The film was shot in two months in a stretch, he added. Vijay Surya, Kavya Shetty and Mayuri are in the lead roles. After a long hiatus, Suman Nagarkar has made a re-entry to the film industry through Ishtakamya.
There are seven songs in the film. The song ‘Jenaguva’, pen-ned by Kuvempu, is one of the songs. He said he has himself written and sung a song in the film. Director Yogaraj Bhat has also written the lyrics. Y N Shankaregowda is the producer of the film.