Mangaluru: Speaking to media on July 18, Monday, Dinesh C. Naik, secretary of the State unit of the Karnataka Kshatriya Maratha Maha Okkoota and other right-wing organisations have urged the government to check the finances of progressive groups in the country. The okkoota, said that some progressive groups were needlessly targeting Sanathan Sanstha and conspiring to link it to the murder of some intellectuals. By so doing, they were trying to sully the image of the sanstha.
But the financial transactions of some of these progressive groups itself were questionable. To shift the focus from the financial irregularities, these progressive organisations were targeting the sanstha. The government should first probe the finances of these progressive organisations within a limited timeframe.
The Union government should not ban the Sanathan Sanstha just because some political parties and progressive organisations were demanding it. Ambika Naik, president of the State unit of the Hindu Maha Sabha, and Chittaranjan Hegde, former president of the district unit of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad were present.