Mangaluru, Sept 25, 2016: As per reports, a student from a prominent Mangaluru college was arrested and released on bail for posting a message on WhatsApp last month claiming a lecturer had died. Police said Vinuth N, a second-year BCom student of St Aloysius College, set off the rumour about the English lecturer’s death, still sulking under an insult hurled at him during a function a couple of years ago.
The lecturer, Parameshwara Sharma, is in fine health. During interrogation, Vinuth, from Bantwal taluk, confessed to the post. Throwing light on the incident that took place two years ago, police said when Vinuth was studying PU in Puttur’s Vivekananda PU College, he reportedly invited Sharma for Teachers’ Day celebrations. The lecturer turned down the request and allegedly humiliated the boy for the invite. This led a seething Vinuth to create a fake message about the lecturer’s death when the alumni of Vivekananda College were gearing up for this year’s Teachers’ Day celebrations.
He sent a message on the alumni WhatsApp group, saying the lecturer died of cardiac arrest. The message was shared on many groups. Shocked students, friends and well wishers rushed to his house to find the lecturer in the pink of his health. Sharma filed a complaint at the Puttur police station. He i reported to have said "Vinuth was never my student and do not recall anything about him at all. Since an FIR has been registered against the boy, the college management will decide the next step." Vinuth is charged with criminal intimidation under IPC Sections 506 and 507 it is reported.