Mangalore, March 19: The Karnataka High Court has ordered Mangalore City Corporation (MCC) to pay Rs 11.50 toward hotel expenses to a person who was displaced from his house and asked to stay in a hotel by MCC authorities.
Mr. Rebello submitted a petition to the HC that he had a house in Kadrigudda, which was damaged when a private Mumbai-based real estate company began constructing apartments nearby.
When he complained the MCC, the authorities told him to stay at a hotel and that MCC would meet the expenses.
Accordingly, Mr. Rebello stayed in a hotel from Oct 2008 to April 2009 and submitted a bill of Rs 11.50 lakh to the MCC, which refused to make the payment.
Justice Ramamohan Reddy heard the matter and ordered MCC to pay Mr. Rebello the required Rs 11.70.