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Thursday, March 06
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Antony Felix Lewis
Antony Felix Lewis

Antony Felix Lewis, F/O Shanthi; Expired on 3-5-2011: Funeral Cortege leaves from ?Lewis Compound ?, Balkudru at 4.00 p.m. on 7-5-2011 Saturday to St. Antony?s church Sastan, Mass at 4.30 p.m. Ph: 08202584331

John Baptist d?Almeida
John Baptist d?Almeida

John Baptist d?Almeida; Expired on 3-5-2011: Funeral Cortege leaves Residence ?Essel Star ?Jayashreegate on Thursday 5th May 5, 2011 at 3.30 p.m. for Holy Cross church, Kulshekar, Mangalore followed by Mass at 4.00 p.m. Bereaved Family Ph: 2213418,

Mrs. Stella Monica Alares
Mrs. Stella Monica Alares

Mrs. Stella Monica Alares w/o Late John Alvares ; on , Apri20 ,2010: Funeral cortege leaves residence on 24-4-2011 Sunday at 3.30 p.m. to St.Joseph?s Church , Bajpe Followed by Mass at 4.00 p.m. Bereaved Family Ph: 2251092

Mrs. Gecilia celine Ageira
Mrs. Gecilia celine Ageira

Mrs. Gecilia celine Ageira w/o Late Ligoury Ageira; passed away on 17 April 12, 2011: Funeral cortege leaves residence Mulki Kadavena Bagelu on Tuesday 19, to Immaculate Conception Church, Mulky at 4.00 p.m. Bereaved Family Members Ph: 9845174985,

Mrs. Lilly Herold
Mrs. Lilly Herold

Mrs. Lilly Herold, Passed away on 14 April 12, 2011: Funeral cortege leaves residence,?Roshan Villa? Behind Kankanady Market, Mangalore to Milagress Church, Hampankatta, on Friday 15, at 3.30 p.m. Mass at 4.00 p.m. Bereaved Family Members

late Paul Peter Fernandes,Mumbai
late Paul Peter Fernandes,Mumbai

Dear Antony/Pappa, You left us beautiful memories, Your love is still our guide, And though we cannot see you, You are always at our side. In life we loved you nearly, In death we love you dearly, In our hearts you hold a place, No one can ever replace. Zalem yek vors Pashar Sandovn thuvem ho sovnsar, Jinyek dek thuji madhur, Voi Pappa thuji thi jini sumadhur. Antony/Pappa thu amchya kalzani amar, Jini sarliyi saadi dayaal, Karthavum thuka Vorsacho pranam, Sarvespor divndi thuka saasnik viram. Bheteilem athmyak thujya vorsachem Mees, Sadaim asa amchya mothinth Pappa thuzo ugdas. Magovn dhad amcher kurpeso paavs Thuji dekiss amchya jinyek yek suhvas. Sasnacho vishev, Somi thuka divndi Niranthal prakaas thujer fankovndi, Anik samadhanen thuzo athmo vishev gevndi. Shraddanjali sangatha, Thuji mogachi pothin: Carmine Burgim: Gretta,Henry,Linet,Jyothi,Deepak anik amchim kutma

Mrs. Theresa pinto
Mrs. Theresa pinto

Mrs. Theresa pinto, Expired on 13, April, 2011: M/o Late Ronald Pinto; Funeral Cortege Leaves residence Ankita House Pragathi Colony near Baliga Store, Bejai to church on 14, at 9.30 a.m. Ph: 0824 2212122

Austin Concessao
Austin Concessao

Austin Concessao (790 Husband of Late Dulcine Concessao; Passed away on April 12, 2011: Funeral cortege leaves residence Premier Christina Aprts, Kalpana Road, Kankanady to St Vincent Ferrer Church, Valencia on April 13,2011 at 3.30 p.m. Mass at 4.00 p.m. Bereaved Family Ph: 0824-2437563

Mr. Lawrence Abreo
Mr. Lawrence Abreo

Mr. Lawrence Abreo (88) H/o Late Theresa Abreo; Passed away on 11th April 12, 2011: Funeral cortege leaves residence , Dynasty Apartment, flat No, 307, Valencia Today to Valencia church at 3.30 p.m. Mass at 4 p.m. Ph: 0824-2432992

Margaret Pais
Margaret Pais

Margaret Pais (95) W/o Late, Rosario Pais, m/o Late William; Expired on 8 April, 2011: Funeral Cortege Leaves residence at Nithyadar Villa, Near Gandhi Maidan, Kundapur to Holy Rosary Church on Saturday at 3.30 p.m. Mass at 4 p.m. Bereaved Family Ph: 08254- 23193,

John D’Souza
John D’Souza

ಸಾಸ್ಣಾಚೊ ವಿಶೆವ್ ಸೊಮಿ ತಾಕಾ ದೀ೦ವ್ದಿ, ನಿರ೦ತರ್ ಪ್ರಾಕಾಸ್ ತಾಚೆರ್ ಫಾ೦ಕೊ೦ದಿ ಅನಿಕ್ ಸಮಧಾನೆನ್ ಜೋನ್ ಅ೦ಕಲಾಚೊ ಅತ್ಮೊ ವಿಶೆವ್ ಘೆ೦ವ್ದಿ, ಮೊಗಾಚ್ಯಾ ಲೇನ್ಸಿ ಅನಿಕ್ ಕುಟಾಮ್,ತುಕಾ ಆಮ್ಚೆ ಬುಜೊವೊಣೆಚಿ೦ ಉತ್ರಾ೦ ಪಾಟಯ್ತಾನಾ ತುಜ್ಯಾ ದುಕೇಸ್ತ್ ಬಾಯ್ಲೆಕ್ (ಪ್ರಿಯ ಶೇರ್ಲಿ) ಅನಿಕ್ ತಿಚೊ ಬಾವ್ ವಿನೊದ್ ಗೊಡ್ವಿನಾಕ್, ಸರ್ವ್ ಸಯ್ರ್ಯಾ ದಯ್ರ್ಯಾ೦ಕ್ ಜೋನ್ ಡಿ ಸೋಜಾಚ್ಯಾ ಮೊರ್ನಾಚೆ೦ ದುಖ್ ಸೊಸು೦ಕ್ ಸಕತ್ ಅನಿಕ್ ದಯ್ರ್ ದೇವ್ ಪಾವೊಂ ಕರುಂದಿ ಮ್ಹಣ್ ಮಾಗ್ತಾಂ. ದುಖಾ೦ ಸೊವೆ೦ ಸಯ್ಮನ್ ಲಸ್ರಾದೊ ಅನಿಕ್ ಕುಟಾ೦ಬ್ ಬೆ೦ಗಳೂರು

Clifford D?Souza
Clifford D?Souza

Clifford D?Souza (57) S/o Dulcine D? Souza, Passed Away on 5th April 2011 : Funeral Cortege Leaves residence ? Adoren Cortege ? near Bejai Church, to St Francis Xavier Church, Bejai on 7.04.11 at 3.30 p.m.. Followed by mass at 4.00 p.m. Bereaved Family Ph: 08242216165

Lawrence Dias
Lawrence Dias

Lawrence Dias, H/o Priscilla Dias, Expired on 4th April, 2011:: Funeral Cortege Leaves residence at 3.15 p.m. to Gangoli Church for the Funeral Mass at 4.00 p.m. on 6 -04-2011. Bereaved family members

Mr. Augustine Lobo
Mr. Augustine Lobo

Mr. Augustine Lobo, (42) Expired in c on 24.03.2011: Funeral Cortege Leaves residence ?Shalom Apartments? Jeppu Mangalore today at 3.30 p.m. to Jeppu seminary Church, Mangalore. Mass at 4.00 p.m. Bereaved Family Ph: 9845822475, 98800945052


Alfred Rajiva karkada, Expired on 31-3-20011: Funeral Cortege Leaves residence ?Jeevan Prakash ?Kulai at 3.00 p.m. to Haleangadi, Ammann Memorial Church Haleangadi on 2-4-2011: