A trend among women filing false rape cases stands exposed with the Delhi Commission of Women (DCW) revealing shocking statistics showing that 53.2% of the rape cases
The 2015 horoscope for each of the 12 zodiac signs are here in short! Find out how the coming year will be for you in terms of love...
BJP has done what the Congress has been doing all these years - giving their party icons the Bharat Ratna – the ruling party might as well give one to Nathuram Godse as well.
The abuse of children for and in the name of religions and related superstitions has been going on since time immemorial, writes Prof. Narendra Nayak
A proud and happy grandfather hears his newborn grandchild’s voice for the first time. When asked to say something to the little bundle of joy
The Election that Changed India. By Rajdeep Sardesai. Penguin Viking; 372 pages; $20 and £16. Buy from Amazon.com, Amazon.co.uk
IFFI Goa - 2014 organized by the ‘Directorate of Film Festivals, New Delhi, Govt. of India’, in tandem with PIB, Ministry of Information & Broadcasting -ESG and NFDC would be cherished by one and all...
In India, rape is the fourth most common crime against women. If one goes by the National Crime Records Bureau statistics, each day and a total of 33,707 cases reported
Meals on wheels on board the Shatabdi or Rajdhani Express trains are great to relish, but the pantry staff who presently work under poor conditions are hoping to see good days ahead, writes Prashanth Nayak
Every day, I see many struggling to find a place for parking when they go out for shopping or official purpose.
Though the Street Vendors Act 2014 is a boon to hawkers, it may prove a bane to the city in the near future unless and until the authorities make up their minds to set up separate hawking zones.
The Iraq War began when American- and British-led coalition forces invaded the country in March 2003 and officially ended in December 2011. Waged on false grounds
In Mangalore city Dr. Raghavendra V. Bhat is a reputed sought after medical personality, he is a doctor for the family and a super specialist too at the same time which is very rare...
A Lecture in a Coaching Institute is a Mysterious process wherein the words travel from the Hand Book of Tutor to the Note Book of the Student in the Medium of Air without getting into the minds of either, writes KP Vasudeva Rao