Effective parenting and early intervention may prevent a lifetime of unhappiness, derailed goals, unfulfilled dreams and compromised health, writes Dr G Shreekumar Menon
Drug abuse can interfere with a student’s ability to be successful in attaining this goal by disrupting their ability to finish course work....
Citizens of the city and region, are without discrimination, in unison to appreciate, as Agnes Special School, Bendur completes 50 golden years...
NEW YEAR 2021, is sure to pose a challenge and the needs are set to be a maze of hazy action, deeper consideration and better direction and inspiration are essential right from the start.
City’s 105 year old great grand spinster lady teacher - Ivy Mary Mathias of Falnir, in the heart of old Mangaluru is a heroic wonder lady born on December 9
Corrective steps need to be taken at the national and state level to preserve the integrity of society and protect upcoming generations, writes Dr G Shreekumar Menon
It is high time the authorities ensure that minimal inconvenience is caused to the common man while implementing Smart City projects.
Any Chinese misadventure in the Himalayas will be a costly gamble. No doubt, both countries will be affected if ever a conflagration breaks out, writes Dr. G. Shreekumar Menon
When in Mangalore, one should not miss a good opportunity to visit this unique new museum, writes I J Saldanha Shet
Time and again India is caught napping and the enemy is repeatedly surprising us, writes Dr. G. Shreekumar Menon
It will be prudent on the part of nations to discourage setting up of new Chinatowns, the existing ones also need to be redeveloped and made multi-cultural, writes Dr G Shreekumar Menon
If India were to encourage by way of tacit connivance, drug-trafficking via Tibet and the Xinjiang region, the Chinese will have to confront the spectre of their dark and humiliating past...
If in 1900 it was the Eight Nation (Nine Nation) alliance that humbled the Chinese, then a 21 nation alliance in 2020 can effectively thwart the aggressive designs of the Chinese Dragon...
Looty’s isolation in the Palace holds important lessons for nations of the world facing China’s aggressive expansion designs, writes by Dr. G. Shreekumar Menon